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ok quick catch up
ok so it's been pretty hard recently, trying to move on with life and this week there's definitely been nothing normal about it but I've felt better
SO I'm an ambassador for the Global Poverty Project and this weekend in New York they held a HUGE concert in Central Park to increase awareness about Global Poverty. Now I wasn't there but it felt amazing to feel a part of something so large. especially as this week I gave my first presentations of the 1.4 billion reasons presentation to 200 people.
After the presentation I went up to Manchester and saw people that I haven't seen in I don't even know how long. Jess is going to Singapore for six months in three weeks and I hadn't seen Matt since he got back from his mission 5 months ago! The next morning I rocked up to Chorley at 9.20 to help set up for Nicola and Colin's wedding. it's still weird to think that their married now even though it seemed like such a natural progression. At the wedding I again got to catch up with so many people that I hadn't seen in so long and what made it even more special was well....
Joey and Ness
hadn't seen them in forever and I got to meet their little man Alfie
Dan and Lisa
I was Lisa's MoH and we hardly get to see each other any more ...add to that the crazy thought that
Lisa had only given birth earlier that week.
Cathy Warburton
Leaves on her mission to Lisbon, Portugal on Monday
Nicole Allen
was a bridesmaid too but in two weeks she'll be moving to California for a year.
Life I guess is good things are happening everywhere but I just feel a little like I need to start making things happen here in my life.

Nice day for a white wedding
So this weekend I had the utter pleasure of being a bridesmaid at the wedding of the year
Colin and Nicola are now
I will put some pictures up at a later date
but for now ...as I couldn't find it all I can say is that I wish I'd been able to find this classy thing

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting"
- e. e. Cummings
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