Dear Mr United Nations,
I am very interested in working for your organisation, I think the work that you do is of value and I would like to be a part of it however I have a few issues;
1) Why do I have to be 25?
2) Why do I need to have more qualifications to volunteer for your organisation than I do to work for you?
I'm a lovely person and I want to volunteer, surely you've heard the phrase every little helps!? Just for you and your requirements I will spent the next three years trying to learn either French or Spanish and working for other groups that aren't ageist, and would love to have me as part of their team. How about a Masters in Cultural Development? not enough...ok I'll think on it!
Yours faithfully
Rochelle Hadley
the girl that will one day run your little organisation...I jest!
Letter *1

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting"
- e. e. Cummings
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