I’m sorry, I know it hasn’t always been easy but I’m trying. I do love you and that can never be contested, we’re too similar to actually get on; you know it’s true. You’re stubborn it makes me laugh but I’m the same and that doesn’t bode well for us. It’s not just our stifneckedness that we have in common, our sense of humor, like of good food and satire, comedy…to an extent. However I’m very grateful that our taste in music is VERY different. You’ve taught me so much through your example and yes as much as I deny it I always listen when you give me counsel and as silly as it may have sounded at the time, given time I understood what you were getting at in your round about way. Your stories I have heard time after time, you’re going a little crazy but I love it.
I’ll speak to you soon
love always
Letter *2
To Whom it may concern,
I love that you care, I love that you know I care, I hate that I hardly see you but I think it’s probably for the best; I don’t think anyone would be able to deal with the combined force that is us when we’re together.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting"
- e. e. Cummings
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