

The images below are from a series called JUMP by the Photographer Philippe Halsman. Halsman was commissioned to take pictures for high end magazines  and after the formal shoot would ask his subjects to jump giving them no other direction than that!along with the movement in the pictures I really like the expressions on peoples faces; the childlike glee in Hepburn and Monroe a contrast to the demure and sultry image that was often portrayed of them by the media! Nixon however looks calm as ever and appears to be levitating more than jumping; but still such a different side to him rather than the scowling statesman that most people saw. Philippe Halsman when asked about his Jumpology series said: “When you ask a person to jump, his attention is mostly directed toward the act of jumping, and the mask falls, so that the real person appears. How hilarious do the Windsors look! Who said the royal family don't have a sense of humour!

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- e. e. Cummings
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