I really want to get involved with this project called Lets colour. I just love the whole concept [Even if it is just a huge marketing campaing]! Needless to say I smiled at that video from start to finish!
...and HERE is the flikr to go with the project
so far they've painted Rio, London, Jodhpur, Marseille and soon Istanbul I think I'd paint Stonehenge!!! Take that national heritage!
Archive for June 2010
Lets paint the town red!

This time last year...
Today I read through some of my journal from last year!
I had such an amazing Summer because al I did throughout the whole thing was serve in different ways! I have memories from last Summer that I will carry with me through the rest of my life and I learnt lessons that I won't ever forget! I'm glad that I was so dedicated to keeping a journal and that I still am as it means i can look back with fondness and remember the little details that made it what it was!
Me and my class of monks
The other volunteers and I at Boudha stoupa one evening for dinner
Lisa and Sydney Me with Sydneys passport
I met Some amazing people last Summer not only in Nepal but also through different things like dare I say it EFY! I'm still in touch with most of them and looking back on the past year I don't know what I would have done this year had it not been for them! What a year it has been!
Counsellors at last years EFY
Here's to this Summer being better than the last!

Uncle Fred
All families have at least one member that's a little bit out there! The one thats the centre for most family discussion even tho they're never there! Most of my family would probably say that I'm the odd one that has some odd life style whom they never hear from apart from when I just appear! I OBJECT!....It's definitely uncle Fred! Frederick Hibbert is also known as Toots; the lead singer of Tots and the Maytals! He's a legend and he's my uncle!
Some of my friends are going to Glastonbury so I thought I'd check out the line up and there on the stage formerly known as the Jazz world stage are Toots and the Maytals on the Sunday bill in between Quantic and his Cosmic barbaro and Rodrigo et Gabriela! What's even funnier is that it's part of his European tour ...at 64!!! This is at least the second time they've played glastonbury that I can remember and they've won a grammy too which makes me wander why one of their UK dates is Holmfirth where last of the summer Wine was filmed!!

Letter *8
To Whom it may concern,
Today society has dedicated to you!
Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you for being there for me
Thank you for the past few weeks!
Happy Fathers Day!
I love more than you could ever comprehend!

I'm so dizzy....but it wasn't me!!!
"I didn't know people still rowed"
"Of course I knew rowing existed just not as a competitive sport"
"WoW Burma that's amazing...how's she going to commute?"
"No not Burma ...Birmingham"
"Don't eat the frog!"
"Did you grow up in the country?"
"Yeah! Once I missed my stop when I was on the train ..."

Sundays are the best...
Leisurely picnic in Silchester lounging around the Roman amphitheatre with friends old and new!

Tired doesn't even come close
I'm in Reading! The reason I'm here is for BC training but as I have no real purpose right now I get to stay for a couple of days with Nicola at Ruths house! [It's been the best!]
Today was BC training which was fun! Most of the counsellors knew each other pretty much apart from two and they seem ace any how! I'm really looking forward to it al ready! WE'll se how it goes! I will eventually catch up with life at some point but until then....
thought of the day!

Letter *7
To Whom it may concern,
Thank you!
Thank you for being you;
Thank you for never being visibly afraid in situations where I clam up;
Thank you for having the most integrity out of any one I know;
Thank you for standing up for what you believe in;
Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to speak to me about your hopes and fears;
Thank you for trusting me enough to open up to me;
Thank you for letting me talk to you about the most pointless of things;
Thank you for making me feel important;
Thank you for being as obsessed by food as I am;
Thank you for believing in me;
Thank you for having faith in me and pushing me to be a better person;
Thank you for being passionate about the simple things;
Thank you for finding childlike pleasure in the small things... without becoming a child;
Thank you for not creating drama...too often;
Thank you for being a middle aged mess way before your time;
and thank you for being my friend!
no really, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you!

Letter *6
To Whom it may concern
your constant chain smoking leaves you with a stench that makes me want to be sick to the pit of my very stomach! It's filthy, unattractive, expensive and one minor thing...it's killing you and those around you!
yeah now i see why you like it so much!
(that last sentence was a lie)
think about it!

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting"
- e. e. Cummings
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